Renewable Energy Industry Training

The diverse training needs for the renewable energy sector are impacted by both the varied technologies and locations of renewable energy activity.

Our training solutions approach is built on a collaborative partnership with our clients to create training programs that leverage accredited courses but which enable us to tailor for delivery and content enhancement. The result is access to highly specialised training solutions that cab be set up for flexibility with delivery on-site, in classroom or remotely.

This training approach is also something we apply to staff for when you ‘field-ready’ staff  for short, medium or long term renewable energy projects.

Nationally Recognised Training

Harness is a leading provider of training services of nationally accredited units of competency in Australia across industry sectors which includes industry-wide competency and compliance for some of Australia’s most elevated risk industries. From construction safety of towers or solar farms to working at heights or using specialist machinery, we can support specialist needs no matter which type of renewable energy you are part of. 

It is an award winning result where we put people first and help ensure the safe return home of everyone involved. 


To find out more about the training and qualifications solutions we can deliver to suit your specific needs contact us. We also provide a publicly available schedule of nationally accredited, training courses – that are relevant for the Renewable Energy Sector.

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