How Long Does a Traineeship Take?
Traineeships generally take a year. They provide an opportunity to explore different employment and role pathways and are a great way to work out what you want to do as a longer term career.
Apprenticeships generally take longer than a year – and may vary depending on the trade / type of apprenticeship you are undertaking.
What is an Apprenticeship? How does it differ From a Traineeship?
An apprenticeship is essentially a structured training and work arrangement of multiple years – eg up to 4 years. It is delivered by organisations, such as ourselves, who can provide both practical experience, educational development in a way that is nationally recognised and structured to help you achieve the skills, knowledge and experience necessary for your chosen career. As an apprentice, you are employed by us, with a proper employment contract and associated terms and conditions such as annual leave etc.
Also, as an alternative, we have a traineeship which is more a ‘try before you commit’ arrangement where a range of experiences are provided over a year. The process of which helps you narrow down your preferred career direction – and from this, you can then move forwards into the right apprenticeship or even job for you. It is a process that is not one you do in isolation, but one that is fully supported by our dedicated team.
Are traineeships and apprenticeships paid?
Apprenticeships and traineeships are usually paid positions – varying based on the specifics of the program or pathway. You are essentially paid to learn a new skill. The terms and conditions of employment vary according to age, experience. If your traineeship or apprenticeship is school-based then terms and conditions may vary markedly with someone who is working full time towards a higher qualification.
Can I get an apprenticeship at 16?
School Students – usually in years 10, 11 and 12 are able to participate in either school-based apprenticeships and traineeships OR part time out of school hours apprenticeships and traineeships. Either way you can combine with also working towards your QCE while also working towards a recognised qualification.
You can see more information about eligibilty on the government website:
What are the expectations of apprentices and trainees?
Above all else, apprentices and trainees should fully commit themselves to the apprenticeship or traineeship. This includes being positive, proactive, willing to learn and keen to fulfil the responsibilities assigned as well as being committed to being an active and engaged learner in both the practical and theoretical aspects of the qualification/course. A positive attitude really helps you stand out and with a good attitude you can learn anything. Not every stage of an apprenticeship or traineeship is easy. Being able to push yourself to succeed and relish doing new things helps you build a reputation as a ‘can do’ person and one who will be sought out for employment opportunities.
What are the Apprenticeship Employment Opportunities?
If you successfully complete a traineeship with Harness, you are likely to secure an Apprenticeship. Organisations we work with are interested in employing the best candidates – and if, through your trainee placement, you demonstrate your willingness and positivity – chances are they will be very interested to employ you for a full apprenticeship. If you have worked well during your apprenticeship, chances are your on-going employment prospects will be looking very strong indeed.