Our 5-day IADC WellSharp Driller Level Well Control accredited training enhances candidate understanding of key well shut-in procedures phases from recognising signs of a kick to executing the shut-in process. Designed for anyone involved in well shut-in operations and well servicing, this advanced IADC aligned course gives participants the knowledge they need to obtain the IADC WellSharp Well Control Driller Level Certificate.
Take the next step in your Well Control education and certification with Harness’s IADC accredited trainers and facilities including;
- Simulation using the latest technology with both a conventional Brake and Cyberchair available for practical training assessment (Drillsim5000 with Cyberchair)
- We have, with our Well Control School, one of the highest pass rates in the world – we teach to understand and comprehend, not teach to test and our results speak for themselves!
- Individualised training to ensure low study anxiety, enhanced performance, information retention and an engaging learning experience
Our IADC WellSharp Driller Level Well Control course, usually run from our Brisbane training facility is an intensive program designed to advance participant understanding of well shut-in phases from identifying kicks to executing well shut-ins, as well as post-shut-in monitoring and supervising the well-kill procedure.
Course Dates
- UOC: IADC WellSharp Driller Level Well Control
- Cost: From $2,750
- Duration: 5 Days
Course Details

From $2,750

5 Days

2 yrs

Delivery Methods
- Classroom
- Groups

Unit Of Competency
IADC WellSharp Driller Level Well Control

Training Prerequisites
Our 5 day IADC accredited training provides enhances candidate understanding of key well shut-in procedures phases from recognising signs of a kick to executing the shut-in process.
This course covers a blend of both theoretical and practical training in Well Control to ensure you walk away knowing industry best practice when it comes to blow out prevention (BOP). You will be able to;
- Apply the principles and processes required for well control servicing and operations
- Utilise surface or subsea well control operations equipment
- Enhance well control understanding and the ability to detect kicks through the use of practical simulation sessions
- Appreciate the various stages of shutting-in a well from kick detection to shutting in the well, to monitoring
- Attain adequate proficiency to achieve a minimum score of 75% on a written IADC WellSharp test
The subsea and surface content covered during the IADC WellSharp Driller Level Well Control program will include:
- Introduction to Well Control
- Risk management
- Kill warning signs and indicators
- Fracture pressure and maximum surface pressure
- Well control methods
- Well control management
- Blowout preventers
- Choke manifold and chokes
- Barriers
- BOP control systems
- Barrier concept
- Causes of kicks
- Circulating systems
- Shut in procedures
- Well control during casing and cementing operations
- Contingency planning
- Associated well control equipment
- Auxiliary equipment
- Testing
- Simulator training, exercises and assessment
Once you successfully complete this course, you’ll receive a certificate. It is an IADC certificate of completion that is valid for 2 years.
Successful completion of the assessment at the end of the course is based on achieving a 75% pass mark.
This is a certificate issued by Harness Energy (RTO 40521). We are accredited and audited by IADC to be able to deliver this technical Oil and Gas industry training.

Course Prerequisites
You need to be registered with IADC. It is also recommended you have completed IADC Introductory Level Well Control course. Please also review the general important information contained in Important Course Requirements page on this site.
Additional Information
Roles & Industries |
Frequently Asked Questions
Once you have successfully been awarded your Driller IADC certificate you can then embark on your Supervisor level certificate.
The course is designed for those in a variety of well-site roles including Drillers, Assistant Drillers, Roughnecks, Derrickman, Assistant to WellSite Supervisor or Wellsite Engineers, Wellsite Rig, Engineers, Wellsite Drilling Fluids Engineers, Mud and Completion Fluids Engineers, Wellsite Casing, Crew Supervisors, Fishing Engineers, Fishing Tool Operators, Rig crew, Barge Engineers and Subsea Engineers.
Pre-registration with IADC is required and IADC WellSharp Introductory Level Well Control is recommended
Additional Information
Enquiry | Group Discounts
Combine To Save!
Working At Heights + Rescue
- PUAFIR210 – Prevent injury
- PUASAR022 – Participate in a Rescue Operation
- RIWHS204E – Work safely at heights
- PUAEME001 – Provide emergency care