
We deliver a one day Issue Work Permit Training Online that also includes Conduct Hazard Analysis as a combined accredited training course to help you with all the skills and knowledge you require to support risk assessment and safe work practices in medium to high risk workplaces where hazards, like confined spaces or heights, determine the need for specific procedures.

By learning how to plan and prepare for risk control, assess risks and identify unacceptable risk, you can better implement appropriate risk treatments – of which issuing work permits can be key. The skilled approach our trainers have to Issue Work Permit training online will ensure you understand permit limitations, decisions and the correct use of all permit types. The Conduct Hazard Analysis component helps you apply context and practical tools to support hazard control at workplaces;  underpinning broader processes including the issuing of work permits.

We usually deliver this issue work permit training course online because we want you to gain insights and value not just from our experienced trainer but the collaborative environment they achieve with all students on the course with you. It is one of the values that we hold dear – that your safety and the safety of your team is fundamental.

Course Dates

  • UOC: MSMPER300 -Issue Work Permits | MSMWHS201 - Conduct Hazard Analysis
  • Cost: From $300
  • Duration: 1 day

Book in for Issue Work Permit Training Online. Or Request Group Booking Discount for your team.

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Course Details



From $300



1 day





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Delivery Methods

Delivery Methods

  • Online
  • On-site
  • In-person
  • Groups
Unit Of Competency

Unit Of Competency

MSMPER300 -Issue Work Permits | MSMWHS201 - Conduct Hazard Analysis

Training Prerequisites

Training Prerequisites

If you are going to be in charge of issuing work permits or looking to gain this responsibility then this Issue Work permit training Online course for you. This course content assumes you understand working within an issued permit and are now ready to take the next step. It is also suitable as a refresher course and for those who are either infrequent issuers or other supervisory etc persons so that you retain current knowledge.  The Issue Work Permits and Conduct Hazard Analysis course is one we deliver in two parts;

Part 1 – Conduct Hazard Analysis which includes training on regulations, approaches and tools such as job safety analysis (JSA), job hazard analysis (JHA), job safety and environmental analysis (JSEA) and safe work method statements (SWMS). Hazard analysis is vital because not only does it support hazard controlling, it underpins broader processes including the need for and issuing of work permits.

Part 2 –  How to Issue Work Permits. You will learn about the permit system and limitations of each permit, making decisions regarding the need for and correct use of each permit. Any and all permit types are covered during this course. Issuing Work Permits training is required for those who need others to conduct a variety of activities in work settings where hazards exist or specific work methods are needed to happen to protect everyone’s safety.

The course content is detailed below and is considered necessary training for many working within medium to high risk industries due to the nature of work being done.

The Conduct Hazard Identification part of the course covers the following

Define the context for the hazard analysis
  • Identify the scope and purpose of the hazard analysis  including accessing forms and identifying where specialist knowledge is needed
Identify hazards
  • Find out job steps to be undertaken
  • Identify hazards of job site
  • Obtain specialised knowledge required
  • Identify hazards for each job step
  • Enter information into appropriate forms in accordance with procedures
Asses Risks
  • Estimate the potential severity/consequence of each identified hazard
  • Consider how hazards may cause harm
  • Estimate the likelihood/possible frequency of harm
  • Use the organisation’s risk matrix to prioritise each risk
  • Enter information into appropriate forms in accordance with procedures
Control Risks
  • Apply organisation’s risk control procedures
  • Use the hierarchy of control so that risks are as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP)
  • Specify risk controls
  • Check the effectiveness of controls
  • Identify residual risk and implement any additional controls required
  • Enter information into appropriate forms in accordance with procedures.
Monitor and Review Risks
  • Monitor risk controls and review their effectiveness
  • Keep records in accordance with procedures


The Issue Work Permits Training section of the course includes

Identify need for work permit
  • Identify work permit needed from job scope
  • Confirm with appropriate personnel the need for work permit
Ensure job site is prepared for authorised work
  • Inspect the job site 
  • Identify work health and safety (WHS) and environmental requirements 
  • Conduct hazard identification and risk assessment 
  • Ensure job site is prepared in accordance with specified work permit conditions 
  • Check permit conditions and report to appropriate personnel 
  • Conduct job site testing in accordance with procedures 
Raise and issue work permits
  • Ensure conditions are documented on permit
  • Ensure appropriate testing is carried out and results documented in accordance with procedures
  • Determine an appropriate validity period
  • Check that permit conditions are met (i.e. validity permit)
  • Complete and authorise permit
  • Ensure recipient is advised of and agrees to abide by the requirements of the permit
  • Ensure recipient signs permit
Monitor work for compliance
  • Ensure regular job site inspections are done
  • Monitor conditions and work progress and respond appropriately to changing conditions and circumstances
  • Ensure permit currency and revalidate as required
  • Ensure permit is displayed in accordance with procedures
  • Identify and act on incidences of non-compliance and report promptly to relevant personnel
  • Withdraw/cancel permit if conditions warrant it
  • Report any issues which arise with regard to work under the permit in accordance with procedures
Receive end of day report
  • Receive end of day report for permit recipients 
  • Confirm job progress and status 
  • Revalidate/arrange for revalidation of permit as required 
  • Confirm work area has been left safe 
  • Handover ongoing permits and status of suspended permits to oncoming shift 
Close work permit
  • Inspect job status 
  • Check that work undertaken satisfies permit conditions 
  • Ensure that work site is ready for a safe return to working conditions 
  • Check required returns to work status have been completed 
  • Sign off documentation and close permit in accordance with procedures 
  • Communicate worksite and process status to relevant personnel

If you successfully complete this course, you will receive a certificate which indicates the Statement of Attainments as recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework. This is a nationally recognised certification. The Statement is issued by us, Harness Energy (RTO 40521).

The Issue Work Permits ‘Statement of attainment’ is for the Nationally Accredited Units of Competency:

  • MSMPER300 -Issue Work Permits
  • MSMWHS201 – Conduct Hazard Analysis

The Certificate is usually needed as evidence for your employer for safety and compliance requirements.

Course Prerequisites

No course pre-requisites apply. This is an online course so good internet connection and computer is required. Please also review the general important information (relevant to ALL courses) contained in Important Course Requirements

Additional Information

Roles & Industries for Load Restraint Training

  • Site & Team Supervisors or Team Leads
  • Confined space or working at heights team leaders
  • Plant area operators,
  • Maintenance teams,
  • Work permit monitoring staff,
  • HSE Representatives
  • Agriculture
  • Chemical, Hydrocarbons & Refining
  • Plastics, Rubber related
  • Gas, Mining and Exploration
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Water
  • Warehousing & Distribution
  • Freight, Rail, Logistics, Shipping
  • Staff managing confined spaces, enclosed or partially enclosed spaces 
  • Working at heights
  • Medium to high risk work involving heat or cold, electrical, repair or plant and equipment

Frequently Asked Questions

Hazard analysis is a form of risk assessment. It is used to identify potential risks and create a safer work environment by implementing improvements and changes to specific jobs along with other relevant needs. It is also undertaken as part of broader responsibilities within an organisation such as issuing permits. The focus is to ensure work areas are as safe as reasonably possible.

1 – Improve safety by identifying ways to minimise or eliminate risk from hazards.

2 – Reducing the risk of injuries or illnesses,  hazard analysis can positively impact productivity by reducing the time and costs arising out of absences, injury or illness.

3 – Staff morale and positive work relationships. Effective hazard analysis can assist with creating a more comfortable and safe work environment for everyone.

A Risk assessment is the determination of the value of risk related to a situation or recognised hazard. Risk assessment approaches vary by industry and job, but at the core is the concept of the need to look at what and how of work settings and processes so that any potential risks to or from people, plant or equipment are minimised. Hazard identification and risk assessment are typically documented in compliance documents as outlined in hazard registers, inspection procedures and checklists, safety observation procedures, incident reporting and investigations.

Common tools include; job safety analysis (JSA), job hazard analysis (JHA), Risk matrix, job safety and environmental analysis (JSEA), and safe work method statements (SWMS). What these help you achieve is to break down work into steps an activity or process to identify the hazards within each step. Then it is easier to apply approaches to minimise identified risk. No Analysis of the activity makes it hard to identify any risks that that activity presents.

All operations must be performed in accordance with relevant procedures which may be a combination of written and verbal or digital and involve emergency or standard operations, safe work methods through to temporary or company-specific control procedures. The procedures exist for the safe working of everyone.

Commonly permits are needed for Cold or hot work, confined space or heights work, excavation, repair or electrical work but may also cover vehicle entry, key areas of a working site or scenarios where increased hazards apply

Only those who have completed this training can issue a Work Permit. A permit issuer is the person responsible for ensuring all hazard reduction methods have been implemented and that the work can proceed as safely as possible.

The focus of the training is different in that when working within a work permit, you are required to follow specific methods of work for example. The effort in analysing the task has already been done and hazards identified with minimisation being reflected within the instructions. The persons who created that work permit will have received the training on how to put that permit together including risk analysis.

It is a formalised document that captures all elements involved in the work from roles and tools to processes, the permit holder and issuing authority – in a way that then gives approval for work to go ahead per specifications of the work within the permit. Please note that this Issuing work permit training is not about work visas!


Important supporting information for Load Restraint Training

Definitions & Terminology

A.L.A.R.P (AS LOW AS REASONABLY POSSIBLE)  – Is one of the fundamentals of risk management.  However, the point where ‘cost outweighs the benefits’ may be the tipping point for no longer ‘as low as reasonably possible’ and this, along with other considerations, can be a point of what is reasonable in what setting – It is something that is discussed in detail as part of our Permit Training Course.

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Working At Heights + Rescue

  • PUAFIR210 – Prevent injury
  • PUASAR022 – Participate in a Rescue Operation
  • RIWHS204E – Work safely at heights
  • PUAEME001 – Provide emergency care