The Fatigue Management Training – Drivers Level 1 Brisbane is for operators and those of you working within teams, such as commercial drivers who are at risk of commercial vehicle driver fatigue. It provides the training to ensure compliance with the primary legislative requirement of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) – central to your organisation fatigue risk management procedures.
The Apply a Fatigue Risk Management System – TLIF0005 course is nationally accredited, online delivered, essential training for those involved in transportation, plant or machinery operation. Fatigue is a leading cause of avoidable accidents making this training critical to ensuring you develop the knowledge, awareness and ability to recognise and manage fatigue risk as a heavy vehicle driver.
At Harness, we deliver Fatigue Management Training Drivers Level 1 in person in Brisbane with added value of the insights from trainers who have operated within the industry over many years – making this an authentic valuable learning experience.
Course Dates
- UOC: TLIF0005 - Apply a Fatigue Risk Management System
- Cost: From $250
- Duration: 1/2 day
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Course Details
This is the fatigue management training for you if you undertake operations that fall within the National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) fatigue management module. Employers have a duty of care towards all employees and, this training forms part of the overarching WHS responsibilities. Conceptually, it may seem obvious to comply with work and rest hours, your approaches and considerations require insight and various approaches to ensure all safety procedures are complied with. As such, our training approach helps you build this insight.
Relevant industries and roles including heavy vehicle drivers, schedulers, supervisors and managers will benefit from the training course outlined below including understanding fatigue, operating within a fatigue risk management system, change management through to record updating. This training course also forms part of the course for Certificate III in Driving Operations.
During the Fatigue Management Drivers Level 1 Online course the topics and skills covered include:
Identify and manage fatigue risk in the road transport sector
- Identify possible causes and symptoms of fatigue and minimise their effects according to workplace policies.
- Recognise fatigue symptoms and understand the options available to maintain work capability and alertness in accordance with workplace procedures.
- Understand how to check your own and others’ fitness to drive and what this actually means with the help of practical examples.
- Manage the drivers that increase risks of fatigue-related incidents. This could include things like how breaks are organised with long hours of driving, and evaluating driver rests between shifts.
- Adopt and apply practices to combat fatigue and minimise associated risks. This could include things like providing driver training on fatigue management, ensuring adequate rest facilities are available, and using technology to monitor driver alertness.
- Identify health and wellbeing choices that ensure driver fitness to safely perform workplace duties. This could include things like maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and managing stress levels.
Operate within a road transport fatigue risk management system
- HVNL legal requirements, liabilities and responsibilities for effective fatigue management within the workplace are identified, interpreted and complied with
- Relevant regulations related to driving heavy vehicle offences, and fatigue duty of care are identified and applied in accordance with legislation
- Heavy vehicle driver regulations and workplace procedures for fatigue risk management, wellbeing, and fitness for work are identified and applied
- Relevant workplace induction into the road transport fatigue risk management system is completed
- Workplace fatigue management strategies are identified and implemented to minimise driver fatigue
- Workplace requirements and responsibilities for fatigue risk management are identified and applied
- Relevant documentation is carried while in a heavy vehicle
- Legal exemptions for fatigue compliance are identified and applied
- Concerns related to strategies to address fatigue and associated workplace risks are communicated to relevant personnel
Plan and navigate a heavy vehicle trip
- Heavy vehicle driver trips are planned, communicated and implemented and potential fatigue hazards are planned for in accordance with workplace procedures
- Rest and work periods are identified to match heavy vehicle driver fitness and trip conditions
- Legal requirements as they relate to fatigue management are complied with when changes in schedules, trip conditions and operational requirements are required
- Deviations made to proposed trip plan prior to departure are communicated with relevant personnel in accordance with workplace procedures
- Deviations made to proposed trip plan while on route are communicated with relevant personnel in accordance with workplace procedures
Comply with work and rest hours
- Work and rest options available to heavy vehicle drivers are identified and applied in accordance with workplace procedures and HVNL
- Relevant work hours including standard, solo and two-up arrangements and long/night hours are complied with in accordance with workplace procedures and HVNL
- Suitable and minimum rest breaks are complied with in accordance with workplace procedures and fatigue management regulations
- Information is identified and relevant actions are taken to prevent non-compliance with fatigue management procedures while working in standard hours and within an accredited fatigue risk management system
- Rest and work periods are counted in accordance with the HVNL
Update and maintain records
- How to properly complete work diary records as they relate to various relevant duties including driving and plant operation,
- How to gathering all necessary information in a timely and accurate manner as this is a regulatory requirement and understanding the HVNL requirements is key to avoid penalties eg as a driver or for the organisation.
- Learn how to undertake corrections and adjustments that need to be made accurately and manage accessibility of records and communications per workplace procedures.
If you successfully complete this course, you will receive a certificate which indicates the Statement of Attainments as recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework. This is a nationally recognised certification. The Statement is issued by us, Harness Energy (RTO 40521).
The Fatigue for Drivers Level 1 ‘Statement of attainment’ is for the Nationally Accredited Units of Competency:
- TLIF0005 – Apply a Fatigue Risk Management System
The Certificate is usually needed as evidence for your employer for safety and compliance requirements. Successful completion of the unit of competency ensures you comply with the National Heavy Vehicle Legislation and National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme (NHVAS) requirements.

Course Prerequisites
Please check the information contained in Important Course Requirements
Additional Information
Roles & Industries for Chain of Responsibility Training |
Jobs – Fatigue Management applies to
IndustriesBroad application across many industries, but of particular note:
Fatigue Management Relevancy
Frequently Asked Questions
Firstly, there is a compliance requirement in accordance with Heavy Vehicle National Law. It is also part of an organisation/operators WHS obligations and duty of care. Fatigue on the roads continues to present risk and your safety and the safety of other road users is a key reason to do this training. Safety should be front of mind, this training will help you with insights that bring it – or keep it – at the fore.
If you are involved in transportation supply chain and travel distances. If you work on machinery or plant and equipment where fatigue could risk your concentration and result in an accident – this Fatigue Management training may form part of your induction process or be required training
Legally no repeat or refresher training is prescribed. However, due the constant changes in best practices, the need to constantly maintain current knowledge and provide an enhanced level of protection from a legislative perspective, Harness recommends?????AARON??? By keeping fatigue risk awareness front of mind it will help you protect yourself and your work colleagues.
Important supporting information for Chain of Responsibility Training
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