
Chain of Responsibility Training Driver and Supervisor Levels (levels 1 & 2) combined online. Delivered via online and e-learning methods together if you’re responsible for aspects in the transport supply chain.

This training covers all the knowledge for your safety obligations as per The Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) as well as the obligations binding you as a party to the Chain of Responsibility.

Our accredited Chain of Responsibility combined training course is in line with all relevant laws and regulations and facilitated online by our seasoned transport industry driving trainers. Develop your comprehensive insights on responsibilities within the goods supply chain, encompassing both chain of responsibility and the administration and enhancement of CoR within your business.


Course Dates

  • UOC: TLIF0009 - Apply chain of responsibility legislation, regulations and workplace procedures | TLIF0014 -Monitor the Safety of Transport Activities (Chain of Responsibility)
  • Cost: From $450
  • Duration: 1 Day

Book in for Chain of Responsibility Training – Supervisors Level 1 and 2 combined – via Online. Or Request Group Booking Discount for Delivery Onsite or at one of our Training Facilities: Brisbane, Chinchilla, Toowoomba

Use the Form on this page to request a booking for yourself or for a group discount course for your team


Course Details



From $450



1 Day





2 yrs

Delivery Methods

Delivery Methods

  • Online
  • On-site
  • In-person
  • Groups
Unit Of Competency

Unit Of Competency

TLIF0009 - Apply chain of responsibility legislation, regulations and workplace procedures | TLIF0014 -Monitor the Safety of Transport Activities (Chain of Responsibility)

Training Prerequisites

Training Prerequisites

The Chain of Responsibility Training combination (CoR) course covers both the basics as well as taking the training to the next level with the  inclusions of administration and monitoring. We will help you understand the law, the practical considerations as well as content relevant to you as a manager or supervisor of the CoR.

Summary of the combined CoR Level 1 and 2 Training is provided below. Please see Related Courses Section for more detail on each Chain of Responsibility Driver or Supervisor level specifically.

During the course the topics and skills include all the content from both the Drivers Level 1 and Supervisors Level 2 course such as:

Explain the chain of responsibility (CoR) features in the Heavy Vehicle National Law and regulations or applicable state/territory law and regulations
  • Principal obligations within chain of responsibility in the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) and relevant state regulations
  • Principal duties, breaches and penalties for each party 
  • Reasonable steps to be followed by each party to comply with chain of responsibility 
Apply chain of responsibility (CoR) requirements in the Heavy Vehicle National Law and regulations or applicable state/ territory law and regulations
  • Workplace policies, procedures 
  • Methods and requirements around speed and fatigue 
  • Vehicle dimensions, mass limits and security of loads
Administer and monitor chain of responsibility (CoR) workplace policies and procedures
  • Workplace policies and procedures relating to chain of responsibility are applied within the scope of responsibilities of your own role and in relation to staff
  • Application chain of responsibility for compliance requirements
  • Appropriate action is taken when non-compliances with chain of responsibility requirements are identified
Identify and report chain of responsibility (CoR) breaches
  • Chain of responsibility breaches are identified and investigated, and appropriate rectification action is taken
  • Workplace and industry practices for reporting chain of responsibility breaches are identified and followed

As an additional information, you are party to the Chain of Responsibility (as indicated by NHVR) if you:

  1. employ a heavy vehicle driver (employer)
  2. engage someone to drive a heavy vehicle under a contract for services (prime contractor)
  3. direct the control and use of a heavy vehicle (operator)
  4. schedule the transport of goods and passengers in a heavy vehicle, or schedule a driver’s work and rest hours (scheduler)
  5. consign goods for transport by a heavy vehicle (consignor)
  6. receive goods delivered by a heavy vehicle (consignee)
  7. pack or assemble goods for transport in a heavy vehicle (packer)
  8. manage premises where five or more heavy vehicles are loaded or unloaded each day (loading manager)
  9. load a heavy vehicle (loader)
  10. unload a heavy vehicle (unloader)


If you successfully complete this course, you will receive a certificate which indicates the Statement of Attainments as recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework. This is a nationally recognised certification. The Statement is issued by us, Harness Energy (RTO 40521).

The Chain of Responsibility for Supervisors ‘Statement of attainment’ is for the Nationally Accredited Units of Competency:

  • TLIF0009 – Apply chain of responsibility legislation, regulations and workplace procedures
  • TLIF0014 – Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility)

The Certificate is usually needed as evidence for your employer for safety and compliance requirements.

Course Prerequisites

It is recommended Drivers Level has been completed prior to starting this course. Important online & e-learning course equipment requirements apply.  Please check the details under the heading ‘Online and E-learning Equipment Requirements’ contained in Important Course Requirements

Additional Information

Roles & Industries for Chain of Responsibility Training

Jobs – Parties CoR Supervisor Level 2 applies to
  • Supervisors and Managers in operations and transportation logistics roles 
  • Company Directors and Partners,

Broad application across many industries, but of particular note:

  • Agriculture
  • Resources Sectors
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Logistics & Distribution
Chain of Responsibility Relevancy
  • employ a heavy vehicle driver
  • engage someone to drive a heavy vehicle under a contract for services
  • direct the control and use of a heavy vehicle
  • schedule the transport of goods and passengers in a heavy vehicle, or schedule a driver’s work and rest hours
  • consign goods for transport by a heavy vehicle
  • receive goods delivered by a heavy vehicle
  • pack or assemble goods for transport in a heavy vehicle
  • manage premises where five or more heavy vehicles are loaded or unloaded each day
  • load a heavy vehicle
  • unload a heavy vehicle

Enquiry | Group Discounts

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Combine To Save!

Working At Heights + Rescue

  • PUAFIR210 – Prevent injury
  • PUASAR022 – Participate in a Rescue Operation
  • RIWHS204E – Work safely at heights
  • PUAEME001 – Provide emergency care